Developer Advocate, One-column ResumeHello,I’m Jane Doe 123 YOUR STREET YOUR CITY, ST 12345 (123) 456-7890 NO_REPLY@EXAMPLE.COM Objective What are you hoping to accomplish with a career change? What technologies matter to you? What matters to you in a new company? What are you hoping to get out of your next role? Explain your drea…Google Docs
Templates paid DevRel Campaign Strategy Template with Examples This template will allow you to understand what is necessary to drive a successful campaign, bring together cross-functional stakeholders to win together, and easily report on your progress and overall final impact to your leadership and executives. Tessa Kriesel May 29, 2023 1 min read
Templates members Developer Journey Map Template to help you map your audience stages & align with cross-functional stakeholders on the developer journey and included touchpoints. Tessa Kriesel May 28, 2023 1 min read
Templates What is DevRel? Slide Deck Use this presentation at your organization to walk through the various pillars of Developer Relations and what they're focused on. Tessa Kriesel May 28, 2023 1 min read